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Yamaha Motor Revs Your Heart

Industrial robots

XZ type

Introduces the Cartesian robots XZ type.

XZ type

XZ type

Type with combination of X-axis for horizontal movement and Z-axis for vertical movement.

  • AXES
  • Moving Range
Moving Range


For external dimensions, refer to the PDF.

2 axisClamped base / Moving table type

Model Stroke(mm) Maximum payload(kg) Maximum speed(mm/sec)
Xaxis Yaxis Xaxis Yaxis
1050 350 10 1200 600
850 350 10 1200 600
1050 350 8 1200 1200
1050 150 ZS12 : 3
ZS6 : 5
1200 ZS12 :1000
ZS6 : 500
3050 350 10 1875 600
3050 350 8 1875 1200
1050 350 15 1200 600
1050 350 14 1200 600

2 axisClamped table / Moving base type

Model Stroke(mm) Maximum payload(kg) Maximum speed(mm/sec)
Xaxis Zaxis Xaxis Zaxis
1050 350 14 1200 600
1250 550 20 1200 600
1250 550 30 1200 300

127 Toyooka, Kita-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 433-8103, Japan

Telephone 81-53-525-8350 /
Facsimile 81-53-525-8378

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