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Yamaha Motor Revs Your Heart

Industrial robots

Arm type

Introduces the Cartesian robots arm type.

Arm type

Arm type

the type with moving Y-axis carriage.

  • AXES
    2 / 3 / 4
  • Moving Range
Moving Range


For external dimensions, refer to the PDF.

2 axis

Model Stroke(mm) Maximum payload(kg) Maximum speed(mm/sec)
Xaxis Yaxis Xaxis Yaxis
650 300 4.5 720 720
1050 550 12 1200 800
1050 550 12 1200 800
2450 550 7 1875 1875
950 550 7 1875 1875
2450 550 7 1875 1875
1050 650 20 1200 1200
850 650 20 1200 1200
1050 650 19 1200 1200
3050 550 14 1875 1875
2000 650 25 1200 1200
1250 650 30 1200 1200
850 650 30 1200 1200
1250 650 29 1200 1200
1250 650 40 1200 1200
2050 650 40 1200 1200

3-axisZ axis clamped base ・ moving table type

Model Stroke(mm) Maximum payload(kg) Maximum speed(mm/sec)
Xaxis Yaxis Zaxis Xaxis Yaxis Zaxis
1050 550 300 3 1200 800 800
1050 650 350 10 1200 1200 600
850 650 350 10 1200 1200 600
1050 650 350 8 1200 1200 1200
3050 550 350 8 1876 1875 600
3050 450 350 7 1875 1875 1200
2000 650 350 8 1200 1200 1200
1250 650 350 ZFL20:8
1200 1200 ZFL20:1200
1250 650 550 20 1200 1200 600

3axisZ axis clamped table ・ moving base type

Model Stroke(mm) Maximum payload(kg) Maximum speed(mm/sec)
Xaxis Yaxis Zaxis Xaxis Yaxis Zaxis
1050 650 350 13 1200 1200 600
3050 450 350 7 1875 1875 600
2000 650 350 13 1200 1200 600
1250 650 350 14 1200 1200 600
1250 650 550 25 1200 1200 300

4axisZ axis clamped base ・ moving table type + rotating axis

Model Stroke(mm) Maximum payload(kg) Maximum speed(mm/sec)
Xaxis Yaxis Zaxis Xaxis Yaxis Zaxis
1050 650 350 6 1200 1200 600
850 650 350 6 1200 1200 600
1050 550 350 4 1200 1200 1200
1250 650 350 ZRFL20:4
1200 1200 ZRFL20:1200
1250 650 550 12 1200 1200 600

4axisZ axis clamped table ・ moving base type + rotating axis

Model Stroke(mm) Maximum payload(kg) Maximum speed(mm/sec)
Xaxis Yaxis Zaxis Xaxis Yaxis Zaxis
1050 550 350 9 1200 1200 600
1250 650 350 11 1200 1200 600
1250 650 550 12 1200 1200 300

4axisZR axis integrated type

Model Stroke(mm) Maximum payload(kg) Maximum speed(mm/sec)
Xaxis Yaxis Zaxis Xaxis Yaxis Zaxis
3050 550 150 ZRS12 : 3 1875 1875 ZRS12 : 1000
ZRS6 : 5 ZRS6 : 500

127 Toyooka, Kita-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 433-8103, Japan

Telephone 81-53-525-8350 /
Facsimile 81-53-525-8378

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