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Yamaha Motor Revs Your Heart

Industrial robots

Single axis robots Robonity Basic model Rod type ABAR

Linear guide built-in rod type compatible with radial load.


Basic model Rod type ABAR High Rigidity ・ Compact ・ Long stroke

High rigidity structure that follows the slider type.
The integrated structure with built-in linear guide does not impair linearity even when radial load is applied.

  • Maximum payload:
    Up to 80kg
  • Maximum speed:
    Up to1200mm/sec
  • Stroke:
    50 to 800mm


ラジアル荷重に対応したリニアガイド内蔵型ロッドタイプ LBAR/ABAR

01Rod non-rotation accuracy ±0°

The built-in linear guide suppresses rattling in the rotation direction.
The working accuracy of the tool attached to the tip of the rod is maintained.

02Compatible with a long stroke.

Compatible with a long stroke of up to 800 mm.
The corresponding stroke has doubled when compared to the conventional product with the same size.
This product can be used in a wide range of situations.

03Easy installation and specification change

Various data

127 Toyooka, Kita-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 433-8103, Japan

Telephone 81-53-525-8350 /
Facsimile 81-53-525-8378

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