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Yamaha Motor Revs Your Heart

OEM Casting and Forging

Assembled Crankshaft

Our high-efficiency manufacturing techniques significantly reduce production costs and result in tough, durable crankshaft parts.

Assembled Crankshaft
Assembled Crankshaft

Assembled Crankshaft

A single hot forging machine performs all the work processes—including cutting, de-burring and drilling—to produce a complete forged crankshaft piece. Also, Yamaha has developed a die cooling process to shorten cycle time, reduce the amount of release agent used and more, all leading to lower costs.

Heat Treatment
Carburizing and quenching is used to increase surface hardness, and improve bending fatigue strength, surface fatigue strength and wear resistance. This makes for high-performing, longer-lasting products.

Product category Motorcycles/Outboard Motors
Forging method/
heat treatment
Hot forging, carburizing and quenching, thermal refining + induction hardening
Material S45C or equivalent
Used for Engines
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