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Relief Support for Regions Struck by the Eastern Japan Earthquake

March 15, 2011

Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. (the "Company") wishes to express its sincere condolences for the victims of the devastating Eastern Japan Earthquake.
As part of the company's contribution for aiding the fastest possible recovery of the affected regions, the following items of support will be provided.

Furthermore, the company will consider and initiate further contributions as the relieve efforts require.


Contribution of aid items (valued at approximately 100 million yen)


Inverter type generator

0.9 kVA to 2.5 kVA models

500 units


Drinking water / emergency food

Unit–1 bottle (1.5ℓ)

4,000 bottles

Alpha rice / canned bread / miso soup, etc.

5,000 meals


Surgical masks

300,000 pieces


Monetary contribution

A donation campaign has been initiated among employees

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