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Yamaha Motor Revs Your Heart

Industrial robots

TS-Monitor, a LCD monitor option

TS-Monitor, a LCD monitor option dedicated to the TS-X & TS-P, is introduced.


Integrated into the controller unit, the TS-monitor needs no connections to the handy terminal or PC and checks operation status, current position, error information, etc. The TS-monitor even allows the operator on the scene or service personnel to easily check the controller status. Total operating time is also displayed which is convenient to schedule maintenance periods.



01The TS Monitor Advantage


The operator does not know what caused the alarm and it takes a time to find out the cause.


During errors the backlit display turns red and operator can see what error occurred on what controller at a glance.

02[MAIN screen]

[MAIN screen]

03[INFORMATION screen]


04[STATUS screen]

[STATUS screen]

05[CHECK screen]

[CHECK screen]

06[RUN screen]

[RUN screen]

07[I/O screen]

[I/O screen]

08Screen transition

Screen transition

Specifications, external view


Item Specification
Model TS-X : KCA-M5119-00
TS-P : KCA-M5119-10
Effective display size W40.546 × H25.63mm
Screen display Graphic monochrome LCD
Backlight Blue and red, 2-color LCD
Contrast adjustment 5 steps
Number of display dots 128 × 64 dots


TS-X/TS-P (220) with TS-Monitor

TS-X/TS-P (220) with TS-Monitor

TS-X/TS-P (105/110/205/210) with TS-Monitor

TS-X/TS-P (105/110/205/210) with TS-Monitor

127 Toyooka, Kita-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 433-8103, Japan

Telephone 81-53-525-8350 /
Facsimile 81-53-525-8378

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