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Yamaha Motor Revs Your Heart

Industrial robots

Support software VIP+(PLUS) Features & Benefits

Introduces the Support software VIP+(PLUS) Features & Benefits



01GUI updated for enhanced usability

The user interface has been improved with the VIP Windows function kept as it is so as to achieve more ease of use.

GUI updated for enhanced usability

02Data displayed in the tree view form

The data included in the controller is displayed legibly.

Data displayed in the tree view form

03Fully equipped tool bar

Each of various functions can be executed by simple one click on the tool bar.

Fully equipped tool bar

04Expanded monitor function

The I/O conditions and variables in the controller can be monitored at real time. In the advanced mode, it is also possible to attach any label (Note) to general purpose input/output and others.
Note. The label is stored in PC.

Expanded monitor function

05Data operation using the new drag & drop function

The data can be stored easily by using the drag & drop function. Likewise, the stored data can be restored to the controller by operating the mouse only.

Select the data to be stored.

Select the data to be stored.

Drag the selected data to the document window and drop it there.

Drag the selected data to the document window and drop it there.

Specify the file name and this completes the storage procedure.

Specify the file name and this completes the storage procedure.

06Input the data in the work sheet form (Parameter, Point data)

It is also possible to copy and paste the data from the other spread sheet (chart calculation software).

Input the data in the work sheet form (Parameter, Point data)
Input the data in the work sheet form (Parameter, Point data)

07Syntax coloring when editing the program

When reserved words (character string reserved as the robot language) are inputted, they are colored automatically, making them noted at one glance for easier program editing.

Syntax coloring when editing the program

08Program execution monitor

The step being performed during the program execution can be monitored. Thus, it ispossible to check which step is performed without stopping the program, thereby debugging of the program is made much easier.

Program execution monitor

09List appointing (point where the system is restored)

It is possible to create the system restoration point at any timing. By doing so at important points in the system constructing process when, for example, something faulty is found after the system was changed, the system can be returned to the state before such change easily.

List appointing (point where the system is restored)

127 Toyooka, Kita-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 433-8103, Japan

Telephone 81-53-525-8350 /
Facsimile 81-53-525-8378

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