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Yamaha Motor Revs Your Heart

Industrial robots

Single axis robots (Application examples)

Introduces the applications of the single-axis robots.


Using combination of multiple single-axis robots for painting applications

Several single-axis robots are interpolated in this application for painting, etc.

Using combination of multiple single-axis robots for painting applications
  • The single-axis robot can be controlled with a multi-axis controller such as RCX340, and the combined coordinates used for linear or circular movements.
  • A layout such as a desktop system, different from the normal Cartesian robot, can be configured.
  • Select and combine the optimum specifications from the diverse single-axis robot lineup.

Attaching tape to round workpieces

Attach tape to round workpieces by interpolating and controlling multiple single-axis robots.

Attaching tape to round workpieces
  • Control multiple single-axis robots with a single multi-axis controller (multi-robot).
  • Each axis can be synchronized with the multi-axis controller's interpolation function.
  • By synchronizing the axes, the tension applied on the tape is maintained at a steady level, and the tape can be attached without stretching or slackening.

Stopper and pitch feed

Positioning for bread slices
Application of pressing function and pitch feed operation

Stopper and pitch feed
  • The robot measures the bread thickness and determines the type. (Current position can be fed back from TS positioner.)
  • The pitch feed rate is changed according to the bread type.
  • The pressing torque can be adjusted according to the type of workpiece.

Stopper and cutting system

Cutting resin lens materials
Application of pressing function.

Stopper and cutting system
  • This cutting operation uses the TRANSERVO (TS-S, TS-X, TS-P) pressing function.
  • The pressing torque can be adjusted, and the timeout time and operation after reaching the specified torque can be randomly selected (continue pressing, hold position).
  • The upward control can be simplified by setting continuous operation for multiple points.

Positioning mechanism for jigs and tools, etc.

Machining center cutting fluid nozzle position adjustment
Positioning in adverse environments

Positioning mechanism for jigs and tools, etc.
  • The magnetic accuracy detector resolver enables use even in adverse environment subject to cutting fluid.

Clean, dustproof / dripproof, high-speed conveying unit

Transfer and conveyance in the clean environment.
Transfer and conveyance in the harsh environment.

Clean, dustproof / dripproof, high-speed conveying unit
  • Belt drive type robot complying with cleanliness requirement.
  • With a large payload, it is optimum for conveying panels.
  • Provided with specifications for cleanliness and applicable to long stroke.
  • With the payload and moment permissible value at high level, it is applicable to the Cartesian combination.
  • Equivalent to B10 (YAMAHA model) .

Contact stopper height change unit

Change of stopper height in multiple number of steps.

Contact stopper height change unit
  • The stop position for the stopper block is positioned by the cylinder type robot.
  • It is possible to make set up done by single touch operation or automatically.

Screw tightening device

Tightening screws arranged on a straight line.

Screw tightening device
  • High rigidity with a support axis added.
  • Pitch selectable freely in the moving axis direction.

Device to shift workpiece in width direction

Positioning of workpieces flowing on the conveyor.

Device to shift workpiece in width direction
  • Arrangement of multiple number of compact robots.
  • Pulse string control from the upper controller.

Press-fitting device

Workpieces are press fitted in holes arranged on a straight line.

Press-fitting device
  • Highly rigid frame.
  • Applicable to work positions arranged linearly.

O-ring fitting device

Handling workpieces to assembly units arranged on a straight line.

O-ring fitting device
  • Assembly jigs arranged on a straight line under the single axis robot.

Carrying and transferring equipment

Handling parts

Carrying and transferring equipment
  • Space saving layout using double carrier. (N15 / N18)

127 Toyooka, Kita-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 433-8103, Japan

Telephone 81-53-525-8350 /
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