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Environmental Management

Introducing information concerning environmental management activities

Basic Policies (from the "Yamaha Motor Group Sustainability Basic Policy")

We will develop technologies in a way to prevent global warming, and work to minimize environmental loads. Furthermore, we will undertake the conservation of biodiversity and sustainable use of natural resources.

Promotion Structure

The Yamaha Motor Group has established an Environment Committee, chaired by Director, as the central organization responsible for the Group’s environmental activities in Japan and overseas. The committee deliberates on policies and visions for the future concerning environmental initiatives, medium- and long-term environmental policies, strategic investment proposals relating to environmental preservation, environmental monitoring topics and responses to issues, and other key issues relating to environmental management. The policies and activities discussed are reported to the Board of Directors as necessary.

Environmental Consolidated Scope

The scope includes consolidated subsidiaries under financial accounting and affiliated companies determined to be important for environmental management. As of December 31, 2020, 134 companies are within the scope of global environmental consolidation.

Environmental Consolidated Scope

Enhancement and Promotion of Integrated Management

Strengthening Environmental Governance through Global Environmental ISO 14001 Unified Certification

Under its “Global Environment” basic policies of sustainability the Yamaha Motor Group has built a globally unified environmental management system (hereafter “Group Environmental MS”). We are promoting the acquisition of ISO14001 certification, centering on our manufacturing companies in Japan, Asia, Europe, and North and South America. In this and other ways, we are undertaking the ongoing improvement of our environmental activity levels for the whole of the Group.

Under our Group Environmental MS, it is the responsibility of the top management personnel of each Group company to determine the roles and authorities related to the Environmental MS. Likewise, to prepare promotion frameworks, implement monitoring and management reviews to confirm that their company’s activities are being appropriately operated, and give necessary instruction. We are promoting viable environmental management activities in such ways. Furthermore, by compiling the results of the management reviews of each Group company and implementing reviews of the President and Chief Executive Officer of Yamaha Motor in relation to the management of the whole Group, we are working to ensure the strengthening of the Group’s global environmental governance.

Each Group company gives the highest priority to compliance, obtaining an understanding of stakeholder needs, determining significant risks based on the evaluation of the risks and opportunities related to the environmental activities of the business, and engaging in the reduction of environmental risks and the prevention of pollution. What is more, we work to continuously improve the environmental management system through environmental internal audits to verify the adequateness and effectiveness of the system.
In FY2020, there was no material breach of any environmental law or regulation involving fines by any operating company.

To reinforce the Group’s environmental governance, we utilize the originally developed G-YECOS* information network to roll out environmental policies, share environmental activities, and collect environmental data, thereby strengthening and streamlining the Group's environmental management system.

* G-YECOS:Global Yamaha Motor Environment & CSR Operation System

Global Yamaha Motor Environment & CSR Operation System

The Yamaha Motor Group makes use of its proprietary global environmental & CSR operation system (G-YECOS) to promote sharing and visualizing of Group companies’ environmental information and CSR activities, and to improve communication among Group companies including headquarters. G-YECOS also serves as a tool for appropriate and timely collection and analysis of various types of environmental data for the purpose of disclosure to stakeholders. We will continue to enhance the utility of the system as a portal site of the Yamaha Motor Group for ESG information including environmental information.

Integrated Management System Operation

Yamaha Motor has introduced an integrated management system that integrates environmental and safety management, which has led to improvement and greater efficiency in on-site business processes. We are working to improve the effectiveness of the management system through continual improvement using the PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, and Act) cycle.

Meanwhile, integrated management system audits use a proprietary system led by internally certified auditors to increase the skills of employees in a systematic manner, taking a process-orientated approach to improve on-site business processes. We have also reinforced governance by setting priority audit items each year and applying them Group-wide.

Life Cycle Assessment

Business Activities Initiatives for Reducing Environmental Burden Impact on Global Warming(CO2 Emissions)

Development phase
To promote recycling and the effective use of limited resources, we implement "3R design" in the development phase, which involves giving consideration to resource saving, reusability, recyclability, and ease of treatment and disposal.

Included in Scopes 1, 2


Procurement phase
To procure necessary raw materials and parts sustainably, we provide suppliers with Green Procurement Guidelines, in which we ask them to engage in efforts to minimize the use of limited resources (mineral resources, energy resources mainly composed of fossil fuels, water resources, land use, etc.). We also monitor and report the amounts of chemicals harmful to humans and the ecosystem contained in our products, effluent, and waste, according to the regulations in each country.

Scope 3
Category 1


Production phase
Chemicals used during the production phase may also deplete the ozone layer and harm human health and the ecosystem if they are not managed properly. In Japan, environmentally hazardous substances emitted from factories are managed and reported in accordance with the PRTR Act and relevant ordinances. We are striving to reduce the emission of environmentally hazardous substances through various activities, including curbing NOx generation by optimizing the operating conditions of equipment, reducing fuel usage by improving thermal efficiency, and switching to low-nitrogen, low-sulfur fuels. Moreover, we are voluntarily taking steps to reduce the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from our factories. VOCs emitted during painting operations are believed to be a cause of air pollution from suspended particulate matter and photochemical oxidants.

Scope 1
Scope 2


Distribution phase
We are actively moving forward to reduce CO2 emissions from distribution, including our supply chain, as well as reducing the use of packing and packaging materials.

Scope 3
Category 4


Use phase
Reducing CO2 emissions by improving fuel economy
Increasing lineup of electrified products and promoting development of next-generation mobility devices

Scope 3
Category 11


Disposal phase
"3R design" during the development phase, giving consideration to reusability and recyclability
Recycling systems for motorcycles and small FRP boats, FRP pools; renewal, reduce, reuse, recycle

Scope 3
Category 12

In 2020 business activities Life Cycle Assessment

In 2020 business activities Life Cycle Assessment

* Category 11: In Use of sold products, the sales volume of pleasure boats sold is limited in Japan.

* Scope 3: Other indirect emissions are calculated using the Emission Unit Value Database (ver. 3.1) as per the Ministry of the Environment’s Basic Guidelines on Accounting for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Throughout the Supply Chain (ver. 2.3; December, 2017).
Source: (Only Japanese version)

Strengthening Compliance with Environmental Laws and Regulations and Control of Chemicals in Products

In recent years, there has been a strengthening of regulations related to the use of substances of concern (SOC) not only in developed countries but in other countries as well. The number of substances that fall under the SOC category is increasing dramatically, making the management of chemical substances in our products an extremely important issue more than ever for the management of the Company. The Yamaha Motor Group has established a Substance of Concern Management Committee to build a framework for the management of chemical substances in our products as well as to formulate policies, promote related activities, and confirm the state of activities. The Group is implementing the PDCA cycle to steadily roll activities out not only in Japan but also at overseas plants. We are also focused on the execution of employee education, centered around e-learning for all employees on asbestos management. Yamaha Motor is not only responding to the regulation of SOC but also implementing activities that are ahead of the times, including efforts to go lead-free as lead is expected to be regulated in the future.

In the United States, we have already updated our warning labels in response to the amendments to California's Proposition 65 warning regulations, for products marketed in the state that contain chemical substances requiring new warnings under the new regulations.

※RoHS: Directive 2011/65/EU on the Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment
"Directive 2011/65/EU on the Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment" and the directives amending it ※REACH: Regulation (EC) No 1907/
2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals
Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals

Green Procurement Guidelines

The Yamaha Motor Group is working with suppliers to control and reduce environmentally hazardous substances and make more efficient use of natural resources and energy in accordance with its Green Procurement Guidelines.

Contributing to Reduction of Air Pollution in Each Country and Region

Yamaha Motor controls the emission of environmentally hazardous substances from its factories according to laws and ordinances. We strive to reduce the emission of such substances through various efforts, including optimization of equipment operation conditions to reduce NOx generation, improvement of thermal efficiency to reduce fuel usage, and replacing existing fuels with low-nitrogen, low-sulfur alternatives.

Yamaha Motor's Annual NOX and SOX Emissions

Reduction of VOC Emission through Production Activities

The Yamaha Motor Group monitors and reports emissions of chemical substances harmful to humans and the environment and amounts of such substances contained in waste according to the regulations of each country. Over 99% of substances subject to reporting under the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) scheme that Yamaha Motor releases into the environment are volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and most of them are used in painting operations.

The Yamaha Motor Group will continue to promote efforts to increase the use of paints with minimal VOC content, improve coating efficiency, and reduce paint wastes.

Yamaha Motor's VOC Emissions

Promotion of Environmental Activities in Collaboration with Suppliers

Since 2019, our environmental facility division and procurement division have been working together to help suppliers promote environmental activities. Specifically, they select companies deemed to have high environmental impact from a list of suppliers in Japan and abroad. Then the environmental facility division measures their power usage, identifies the amounts of power loss, and provides advice and know-how based on its findings. The suppliers initiate activities based on the input and introduce the same improvements at the rest of their factories. Going forward, we will further pursue these activities as a Groupwide effort including suppliers, with different suppliers targeted each year.

Raising Environmental Awareness of Employees

Introduced Yamaha Eco Point System
In January 2008, Yamaha Motor introduced its Yamaha Eco Point System targeting employees. This system assigns points to environmental activities including participation in eco-commuting and cleanup programs, and allows members to select eco prizes according to the number of activities conducted and the number of points earned during the year.

Using the Intranet to Foster an "Eco Mind"
Yamaha Motor uses its corporate intranet to report in a timely manner on the status of eco-commuting and employee volunteerism and to disseminate information on cleanup programs for beaches and areas in the vicinity of Company facilities as well as environmental communication with local communities and the public. These efforts serve to raise employee awareness concerning the environment and to encourage participation.

Distribution of ESG-related Information by Email
Since January 2019, we have been sending a monthly email to employees at Yamaha Motor and Group companies in Japan, containing ESG-related information including environmental information. The articles contained in these emails are also posted to our intranet so they can be accessed at overseas Group companies.
Articles to date have included explanations of the external environment affecting environmental issues and the Yamaha Motor Group Environmental Plan 2050.

Environmental Education
In response to a request for partnership (provision of funding and support) from a teacher at Eastside Elementary School in the United States, Yamaha Motor Manufacturing Corporation (YMMC) launched an environmental education project to help students learn about their natural surroundings. Students had the valuable experience of studying environmental issues such as ecosystems, the food chain, and pollution in the midst of nature near West Point Lake. They came up with ways to improve air quality in the elementary school and carried out tree planting.

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