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Data Collection

The Yamaha Motor Group's environmental data for the past five years.

Sales of low carbon products

Item Unit 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Number of fuel-injected motorcycles sold K vehicles 3,203 3,524 3,564 3,554 3,363
Number of motorcycles featuring a BLUE CORE engine sold 1,994 2,538 2,800 2,901 2,245
Number of electrically power assisted bicycles sold (including number of drive units) 448 489 569 648 670

Global energy consumption

Energy consumption by region

Area Unit 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Asia GJ 4,762,666 4,589,429 4,372,462 4,643,304 3,552,887
Europe 298,122 291,754 276,040 314,128 270,287
North America 910,487 884,450 874,540 927,928 849,549
Japan 3,435,581 3,376,165 3,289,194 3,273,060 3,007,288
Oceania 18,652 20,509 19,657 27,244 23,143
Central and South America 289,407 290,325 311,398 317,855 296,154
China 410,264 428,597 363,525 315,049 332,788
Total 10,125,179 9,881,229 9,506,816 9,818,568 8,332,096External Assurance

Energy consumption by type

Item Unit 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Electricity purchased GJ 7,503,159 7,148,056 6,862,753 6,772,082 5,791,460
City gas 539,939 571,882 562,792 583,812 544,384
Natural gas 1,122,477 1,193,943 1,152,276 1,567,532 1,234,396
LPG 488,408 511,940 482,557 449,341 421,531
Butane 755 776 11 16 11
Gasoline 232,358 223,042 224,327 200,806 141,044
Heavy oil A 101,450 101,299 88,011 91,430 82,912
Light oil 133,124 126,633 131,940 138,345 96,895
Kerosene 1,898 2,398 1,244 791 7,662
Hot water 1,611 1,260 905 14,412 11,799
Total 10,125,179 9,881,229 9,506,816 9,818,568 8,332,096External Assurance

Global CO2 emissions

Area Unit 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Scope 1
Asia t CO2 68,267 66,751 67,784 78,992 58,750
Europe 5,483 5,595 5,289 5,437 4,234
North America 13,810 13,716 13,290 13,660 12,822
Japan 49,702 52,440 50,247 49,581 46,388
Oceania 1,134 1,265 1,213 1,000 735
Central and South America 2,329 2,526 2,336 2,081 1,834
China 6,556 6,750 6,008 5,096 5,412
Total 147,281 149,043 146,167 155,847 130,174External Assurance
Scope 2
Asia t CO2 234,021 233,054 218,805 219,285 165,076
Europe 4,834 4,821 4,556 4,728 4,180
North America 44,595 43,448 42,701 32,066 28,461
Japan 93,924 94,739 92,769 108,834 94,709
Oceania 29 27 26 928 917
Central and South America 2,545 2,517 2,669 2,989 2,785
China 24,957 26,274 21,820 15,428 16,231
Total 404,905 404,880 383,346 384,258 312,359External Assurance
Scope 3
01.Purchased products and services t CO2 3,306,339 3,563,262 3,531,412 3,522,932 3,115,239
02.Capital goods 55,352 89,156 174,557 249,256 218,028
03.Energy-related activities 59,865 58,728 56,700 56,300 47,250
04.Transport and delivery (upstream) 239,303 221,617 240,020 241,627 206,551
05.Waste materials emitted by businesses 15,483 16,157 16,494 15,589 13,538
06.Business trips 24,137 27,504 26,739 24,266 3,902
07.Employees' commuting 6,958 7,701 8,364 8,180 8,160
08.Leased assets (upstream) Included in Scopes 1, 2
09.Transport and delivery (downstream) Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
10.Processing of products sold 6,495 6,495 6,219 5,730 5,065
11.Use of products sold 23,862,973 25,753,328 25,963,326 23,859,974 19,624,372External Assurance
12.Disposal of products sold 40,509 57,668 58,683 57,393 51,298
13.Leased assets (downstream) Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
14.Franchises Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
15.Investments Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Total 27,617,414 29,801,616 30,082,514 28,041,247 23,293,403
Scope 1, 2, 3 Total   28,169,599 30,355,540 30,612,027 28,581,352 23,735,936

Conversion factors used for energy consumption and CO2 emissions

Conversion factors (variable factors) used for 2020 results in the Environmental Plan 2050

* With regard to actions relating to the Environmental Plan 2050, results for 2019 onwards are calculated using variable factors and therefore cannot be compared with past data.

Item name Common unit Calorific value per unit factor CO2emission factor
GJ/Common unit t-CO2/Common unit
Electricity MWh 9.76 *Note 1
Kerosene kL 36.7 2.49
Heavy oil A kL 39.1 2.71
LPG t 50.8 3
Butane t 49.7 3.03
City gas (Japan) 1000Nm3 45 2.24
City gas (other than Japan) 1000m3 40 1.81
Gasoline kL 34.6 2.32
Bioethanol-blended gasoline kL 34.6 By mixture ratio
Light oil kL 37.7 2.58
Bioethanol-blended light oil kL 37.7 By mixture ratio
Industrial steam GJ 1.02 0.06
Non-industrial steam GJ 1.36 0.057
Hot water GJ 1.36 0.057
Waste oil t 38.3 2.91
Waste plastic t 29.3 2.55

*Note 1
Domestic: Basic emission factors by electric utility for the most recent year announced by the Ministry of the Environment. Overseas: As a rule, emission factors by electric utility.
Otherwise, CO2 emission factors by country announced by the International Energy Agency (IEA)
(From a coefficient of 「GHG Protcol Purchased_Electricity_Tool_Version-4_8_0」 2008, 2010 years or 2012)

Conversion factors (fixed factors) used for 2009 to 2018 in the Environmental Plan 2020

Energy Segment Reporting Unit Calculation coefficient
Calorie CO2
Data source
Electricity purchased (electric utilities in each country) MWh Individual setting (IEA values by country)
  Japan: daytime electricity MWh 9.97   Energy Saving Act
  Japan: nighttime electricity MWh 9.28  
  Japan: Chubu Electric Power MWh   0.451 Published values
Gasoline (including aviation gasoline) kl 34.6 2.32 Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures
Kerosene (including jet fuel) kl 36.7 2.49 Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures
Light oil (diesel fuel) kl 38.2 2.62 Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures
Heavy oil A (for small and medium-sized boiler fuels) kl 39.1 2.71 Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures
Petroleum gas Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) t 50.2 3 Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures
Butane t 49.6 3.03 Supplier data
Natural gas Natural gas (overseas) thousand m3 (35.2) (1.81) Individual setting
(IEA global average)
City gas 13A (Japan) thousand m3 41.1 2.08 Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures

SASB requirements

  Code Accounting Metric Unit of Measure 2020
Activity Metrics TR-AU-000.A Number of vehicles manufactured K vehicles 3,657
TR-AU-000.B Number of vehicles sold K vehicles 3,802
Product Safety TR-AU-250a.2 Number of safety-related defect complaints,
percentage investigated
Percentage (%) 100
* Investigated all complaints that the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan has requested to investigate.
TR-AU-250a.3 Number of vehicles recalled (in Japan) Number 106,983
(in Japan)
Labor Practices TR-AU-310a.1 Percentage of active workforce covered under
collective bargaining agreements
Percentage (%) 63
TR-AU-310a.2 Number of work stoppages due to strikes and lockouts Number 0
Number of workers involved in work stoppages, multiplied by number of days idle Man-days 0
Fuel Economy & Use-phase Emissions TR-AU-410a.1 Sales-weighted average passenger fleet fuel
economy, by region
Asia km/L 49
Europe gCO2/km 86
North America mpg 56
Japan km/L 41
Oceania km/L 23
Central and South America km/L 43
Other km/L 52
TR-AU-410a.2 Number of (1) zero emission vehicles (ZEV), (2)hybrid vehicles, and (3) plug-in hybrid vehicles sold Number Not applicable
TR-AU-410a.3 Discussion of strategy for managing fleet fuel
economy and emissions risks and opportunities
  Short-term, Medium-term, and Long-term Risks and Opportunities > Short-term Risks (0–3 Years)
Materials Sourcing TR-AU-440a.1 Description of the management of risks
associated with the use of critical materials
  Major Risks Associated with Transitioning to a Low Carbon Society > Technological Risks
Material Efficiency & Recycling TR-AU-440b.1 Total amount of waste from manufacturing Metric tons (t) 30,929
Percentage recycled Percentage (%) 86.6
TR-AU-440b.2 Weight of end-of-life material recovered Metric tons (t)
Percentage recycled Percentage (%) 97.8 (on a weight basis)
TR-AU-440b.3 Recyclability of products Percentage (%) by salesweighted metric tons (t) Target value: Set at 90%

* A disclosure index for the auto industry required by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) TR: Transportation; AU: Automobiles

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