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Approach to Global Environment

We take into account harmony with the environment in all our business activities

Initiatives to achieve harmony with the global environment

Many environmental and resource-related issues which influence the realization of a sustainable society, such as advancing global warming, excessive energy and water consumption, and the loss of biodiversity, are becoming increasingly more serious on a global scale. Against this backdrop, the Paris Agreement, which sets a goal of “holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels” was adopted at the twenty-first session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 21) held in 2015.

Against this social backdrop, the Yamaha Motor Group considers it important, as a manufacturer, to address environmental considerations through initiatives to prevent global warming, conserve energy, prevent pollution, reduce waste and conserve resources, and also through its core business of personal mobility. This includes the development of compact vehicles with little environmental impact through technological innovation, the spread of Smart Power* products such as electrically power assisted bicycles and electric motorcycles, the research and development of next-generation power sources, and the implementation of programs that contribute to society by using the human resources, assets, and know-how accumulated through our business.

In addition, initiatives to lessen global warming, reduce energy consumption, use resources effectively, improve efficiency, preserve biodiversity, and reduce our environmental impact are carried out across the entire supply chain, with our position regarding the global environment made known to the entire Group as well as to business partners including suppliers and distributors.

*Smart Power: New power sources, primarily for electric vehicles, designed to create a new paradigm of mobility

The Yamaha Motor Group discloses important information related to climate change according to the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), which was established by the Financial Stability Board, an international organization.

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