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Shareholders and Investors

A page with links to IR information

In order to ensure accountability by providing shareholders and investors with appropriate, accurate and timely information, Yamaha Motor has established a specialized division which engages in IR activities inside as well as outside Japan.

In addition to the annual shareholders’ meeting and quarterly earnings briefings, the division holds IR meetings with investors from within and outside of Japan, and organizes business briefings. Furthermore, the division discloses IR information on the Company’s website, operates a website to provide information to individual investors, and makes videos of earnings briefings and briefings for individual investors publicly available, in an effort to proactively disseminate information so that even more shareholders and investors have a better understanding of Yamaha Motor’s business strategies.

Since 2019, Yamaha Motor has been issuing integrated reports as part of its efforts to be actively engaged with shareholders and investors through constructive dialog. It also holds events like small meetings with several institutional investors to discuss environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues. In addition, it also engages directly with overseas shareholders and institutional investors in the United Kingdom, the United States, and elsewhere to discuss such matters as environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues.

Yamaha Motor has established the Employee Shareholding Association in order for staff to build up their assets as well as have them further increase their engagement with the Company by having an awareness of participating in management.

Through this initiative, employees making a greater contribution to business performance will be one factor driving an increase in the Company share price, which will also lead to increased value of the assets held by employees.

Information for shareholders and investors is available on the websites below

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