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Employee: Related Data

Introduces data related to employees.

Employee data

Item Unit 2018 2019 2020
Number of employees (consolidated)
Number of employees (non-consolidated)*1
Male 9,199 9,001 9,146
Female 1,147 1,207 1,213
Average age (non-consolidated)   age 41.5 41.3 41.4
Male 41.7 41.6 41.8
Female 39.6 39.2 38.9
Years of continuous service (non-consolidated)   years 17.9 17.6 17.7
Male 18.0 17.7 18.2
Female 16.4 16.2 15.6
Number of new graduates hired (non-consolidated)   278 244 188
Male 214 174 130
Female 64 70 58
Total number of managers (non-consolidated)   1,401 1,647 1,663
Male 1,367 1,610 1,625
Female 34 37 38
Number of managers (non-consolidated)   1,001 1,165 1,177
Male 972 1,135 1,149
Female 29 30 28
Number of general managers or higher (non-consolidated)   400 482 486
Male 395 475 476
Female 5 7 10
Number of general managers or higher (consolidated)   566 570
Male 555 554
Female 11 16
Number of managers other than corporate (non-consolidated)   1,288 1,495 1,515
Male 1,268 1,474 1,489
Female 20 21 26
Average annual salary (non-consolidated) yen 7,598,026 6,963,859 6,631,520*2
Number of temporary employees (non-consolidated)   91 76 52
Status of employees leaving the Company (non-consolidated) *3 Used early retirement program   0 59 53
Male 0 52 49
Female 0 7 4
Voluntary   81 94 79
Male 65 84 63
Female 16 10 16
Involuntary   0 0 0
Male 0 0 0
Female 0 0 0
Transfer   0 2 0
Male 0 0 0
Female 0 2 0
Other   1 3 11
Male 1 2 11
Female 0 1 0
Ratio of female employees (by region) Japan % 14.0 14.4 15.5
North America 30.5 29.7 30.1
Europe 24.9 24.7 21.2
Asia 26.5 32.2 27.1
Other 20.2 20.2 22.0
(Overall) 22.9 25.9 23.5

*1 The "non-consolidated" include the number of Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. employees dispatched to other companies.
*2 The ratio to the annual compensation amount of the President and Representative Director in 2020 was 19:1.
*3 As for the global status of employees who left the Company in 2020, the turnover rate (including mandatory retirement) was 5.3%, of which 2.6% was voluntary retirement.

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