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Developing Future Leaders Social Contribution Activities

Introducing examples of activities that contribute to local communities and society at large

Helping Female Middle and High School Students Choose Career Options

An NPO in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Prefecture, that promotes equal opportunity and treatment between men and women held a career event for female middle and high school students to help them get to know the appeal of engaging in technical work. Yamaha Motor cooperated with the event. On the day, 14 female middle and high school students from Hamamatsu City gathered at the Yamaha Communication Plaza and met for a chat three young female Yamaha engineers involved in marine products, commuter vehicles, and manufacturing. The participants had many questions for the three women, including how they chose their career paths, spent their student days, and what they felt was rewarding about their jobs. After the event, the students said, “The female Yamaha employees were very vibrant, and I got the sense that they enjoyed their work,” and “The event triggered me to start thinking about what I wanted to do in the future.”

Helping Female Middle and High School Students Choose Career Options
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