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External Assurance

External assurance of information disclosed by the Company is described below.

To ensure a high degree of transparency and reliability in disclosure of environmental and social data, Yamaha Motor engaged KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd. to perform external assurance of the items listed below for fiscal 2020.

External Assurance

Scope of Assurance

•The Yamaha Motor Group’s energy consumption, Scope 1 CO2 emissions (total), Scope 2 CO2 emissions (total), CO2 emissions from the use of sold products, water intake (total) and waste generation
• Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.’s waste water
• The Yamaha Motor Group’s lost time injury frequency rate
• The frequency rate of occurrence of industrial accidents among Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.’s contractors
• Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.’s occupational illness frequency rate

Items that have been checked by the provider of external assurance are marked.
External Assurance
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